Monday, October 31, 2005


I feel silly. Back to Physics, Religion, Art and/or Politics later...

I did an online personality test. You answer a bunch of questions and then it tells you what movie you are like. Since the result was sorta scary I decided to post this one today.

If you check out The Phoenix's website he has some great scary stories, one that was contributed by me called "A Good Soul with a Dark Past." I am the second story down from the one Phoenix wrote about The Lemp Mansion

Ummm... Kinda true, in a freaky sort of way. Scary.

Remember to check out The Phoenix for scary Halloween fun!



Anonymous said...

I've actually been to the Phoenix already - great stuff, no??? :)


ObilonKenobi said...

To turn a phrase from the 80s, The Phoenix is mint!

Jay Noel said...

Thanks for the very kind words.

ObilonKenobi said...

No problem Phoenix. I loved the series. What are you going to do to top yourself?

I saw that you commented on my post about Ethos but I had to delay that post because I accidentally uploaded it from Word instead of saving it as a draft. I also broke it up into smaller chapters because of my tendancy to go on and on. Hope you don't get too bored as I post that one in sections.